Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discuss some of the treats that Cyberterrorism pose. How can Essay

Discuss some of the treats that Cyberterrorism pose. How can cyberattacks be prevented - Essay Example This new class of threats has been termed as cyber – threats, and in the present scenario, there is no section of society that can afford it. The modus operandi of cyber – threats entails the employment of computer technology to perpetrate fraud, heinous crimes and other harmful acts against society. These threats are principally aimed at destroying the internal order of society. Thus, cybercrime can be understood as crimes that are committed through computer networks or by using the Internet (Brenner 381 - 383). Terrorists harvest money and indulge in other criminal objectives via computer technology. Their requirements for conducting such nefarious activities are a personal computer with an internet connection. With this arsenal, even smalltime cyber terrorists can communicate with other members in their group and their opponents. They utilize the internet to share novel methods to employ in their future attacks and other important information. Terrorists have created their own intelligence networks through the internet; and the expenditure incurred by them, in gathering intelligence is negligible, in comparison to the amount spent by most nations for collecting intelligence. Furthermore, terrorists can easily plan and execute their operations through computer networks. These terrorist groups assist each other, in order to enhance their cyber capabilities; and they interact with each other, for the purposes of planning and commissioning their projects. They have the capability to attack th e Global Information Grid and the systems connected to it. Their ultimate aim is to destroy critical infrastructure. The general perception is that terrorists are associated with physical violence and death. However, in marked variance to this general view about terrorists and their operations, several terrorists are highly educated and capable of handling the highly sophisticated computer technologies. These

Monday, October 28, 2019

Childs Healthy Development in School Essay Example for Free

Childs Healthy Development in School Essay When people think of dramatic changes in children over time, they typically think about the first two or three years of life. Although these years are marked by striking changes, the developmental and social changes that occur between ages 6 and 14 are dramatic, as well. Imagine a six-year-old girl starting first grade—maybe she has braids in her hair and is wearing a cute dress; she looks like a little girl and she is likely to be quite excited about going off to school. Her parents still exercise great control over her comings and goings; their biggest worries are likely to be about her safety when crossing streets and about her adjustment to elementary school. Now imagine that same girl as a 14-year-old starting the ninth grade: She now looks like a full-grown woman, leading her parents to worry about the negative influences of peers, and the risk that she may come to physical harm during the many hours that she is away from home. Equally dramatic changes occur in the social contexts where youngsters spend time. A six-year-old boy is likely to be enrolled in a local neighborhood elementary school—perhaps within walking distance from home. By age 14, he will have changed schools at least once, moving into a junior high school or middle school. He may be looking forward to his classes, or he may have already psychologically turned his back on formal schooling. He may have sampled out-of-school activities from Scouts to basketball to handling a paper route. Because the experiences both boys and girls have in school and other activities will shape their development through this pivotal age period. Each period is marked by basic biological and cognitive changes, as well as changes in the social surroundings where children’s daily lives unfold. Exercising their growing autonomy in school and organized programs, children learn about the world outside the family, match themselves against the expectations of others, compare their performance with that of their peers, and develop customary ways of responding to challenges and learning opportunities. Through these years, they forge a personal identity, a self-concept, and an orientation toward achievement that will play a significant role in shaping their success in school, work, and life. Although researchers and policymakers have focused on the school as the critical arena in which development occurs and children’s futures are sculpted, out-of-school programs offer alternative environments in which children can learn about themselves and their worlds, and can discover opportunities for carving their own versions of success. Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age) Developmental Milestones Middle childhood brings many changes in a child’s life. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in all areas of life, such as through friends, schoolwork, and sports. Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Show more independence from parents and family. * Start to think about the future. * Understand more about his or her place in the world. * Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork. * Want to be liked and accepted by friends. Thinking and Learning (Mental Changes) Children in this age group might: * Show rapid development of mental skills. * Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings. * Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others. Middle Childhood (9-11 years of age) Developmental Milestones Your child’s growing independence from the family and interest in friends might be obvious by now. Healthy friendships are very important to your child’s development, but peer pressure can become strong during this time. Children who feel good about themselves are more able to resist negative peer pressure and make better choices for themselves. This is an important time for children to gain a sense of responsibility along with their growing independence. Also, physical changes of puberty might be showing by now, especially for girls. Another big change children need to prepare for during this time is starting middle or junior high school. Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Start to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships. It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex. * Experience more peer pressure. * Become more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches. Body image and eating problems sometimes start around this age. Thinking and Learning (Mental Changes) Children in this age group might: * Face more academic challenges at school. * Become more independent from the family. * Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly. * Have an increased attention span. Young Teens (12-14 years of age). Developmental Milestones This is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change as puberty begins. Most boys grow facial and pubic hair and their voices deepen. Most girls grow pubic hair and breasts, and start their period. They might be worried about these changes and how they are looked at by others. This also will be a time when your teen might face peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs. Other challenges can be eating disorders, depression, and family problems. At this age, teens make more of their own choices about friends, sports, studying, and school. They become more independent, with their own personality and interests, although parents are still very important. Here is some information on how young teens develop: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Show more concern about body image, looks, and clothes. * Focus on themselves; going back and forth between high expectations and lack of confidence. * Experience more moodiness. * Show more interest in and influence by peer group. * Express less affection toward parents; sometimes might seem rude or short-tempered. * Feel stress from more challenging school work. * Develop eating problems. Thinking and Learning ( Mental Changes ) Children in this age group might: * Have more ability for complex thought. * Be better able to express feelings through talking. * Develop a stronger sense of right and wrong. Changes in Social Surroundings The cognitive changes just described give children an expanded view of their social world and of themselves, providing the foundation for important social and emotional changes that also begin in these years. Along with their broadened exposure to adults and peers outside the family, children of these ages are typically given more freedom, more responsibilities, and more rights. This period is therefore marked by tensions between the new autonomy and the increasing expectations children encounter, which can either support or hamper the development of self-confidence. Broadening Social Worlds In the middle-childhood years, children spend less time under the supervision of their parents and come increasingly under the influence of teachers and activity Leaders such as Sunday school teachers, coaches of Little League sports, instructors of dance or ballet, music teachers, camp counselors, scout leaders. In contrast with the intimacy and familiarity that characterize family relationships, participation in school and formal programs exposes children to different Religious and ethnic groups, as well as diverse personal styles. They see adults acting in various social roles, and they see different adults acting in the same role—as teacher or camp counselor, for example. These experiences give children a chance to compare adults with one another and to observe how authority figures judge the behaviors and personalities of their peers. Increasingly, children spend time with their peers outside the orbit of parental control. Members of peer groups are responsible for managing their own relationships by controlling group dynamics, providing nurturance to each other, and sometimes establishing hierarchies within the group. As children get older, they also seek to contribute to their best friends’ happiness, and they become sensitive to what matters to other people. There is a beginning of a â€Å"we† feeling that goes beyond cooperation; children begin to adjust to the needs of others in pursuit of mutual interests. At the same time, of course, children are concerned with winning acceptance from their peers, and they must manage conflicts between the behavior expected of them by adults and the social goals of the peer group. Entering formal organizations such as schools and after-school programs represents a shift for children: In the preschool years, their social roles were defined for them at birth (as a daughter or a brother). In middle childhood, their roles in school, programs, and friendship groups reflect their personal qualities and achievements. 1. Developmental Variations: Behaviors within the Range of Expected Behaviors for That Age Group A) Developmental Variation : (Social Interaction Variation) Because of constitutional and/or psychological factors, children and adolescents will vary in their ability and desire to interact with other people. Less socially Adept or desirous children do not have a problem as long as it does not interfere with their normal development and activities. B) Common Developmental Presentations : Middle Childhood The child may not make friends easily and be less socially adept. The child may prefer solitary play at times. (Shyness) Adolescence The adolescent has limited concern regarding popular dress, interests, and activities. The adolescent finds it difficult to make friends at times. 2. PROBLEM: SHYNESS Middle Childhood The child is very shy, reticent, shows an increased concern about order and rules, is socially isolated, rarely initiates peer interactions, and prefers solitary activities to peer group activities. Adolescence The adolescent shows difficulty in social situations, has limited friendships, is socially isolated, may be a loner, prefers solitary activities to peer group activities, is reticent, has eccentric hobbies and interests, and has limited concern regarding popular styles of dress, behavior, or role models. Background Most people have felt shy at some time or in some situation. As many as 25% of high school and college students report having been shy most of their lives (Schwartz Johnson, 1985). Excessive shyness, however, reduces both the amount and quality of social interactions a child has with others and results in lowered peer acceptance and fewer opportunities to acquire social skills. It is not clear why some children are bashful and withdrawing whereas others tend to be more outgoing. Several factors may be involved, including genetics, temperament, anxiety, and lack of social skills. Development Some degree of shyness in children is to be expected and is part of the childs normal development (Berk, 1989). A fairly high percentage of preschoolers are described as bashful and avoiding contact with others (Schwartz Johnson, 1985). Between 30% and 50% of school-age children report feeling shy (Peterson, 1987). When shyness is experienced by the child in many or most situations over an extended period of time, interventions to help the child interact more appropriately are called for. Chronic and severe shyness can have a negative impact on social, emotional, and academic development. Shy children often have poor self-concept, feelings of failure, and make negative self-statements. The anxiety that accompanies shyness impairs memory and concentration and may keep children from asking for needed help in school. What Can I Do as a Parent? It will be important for your child to learn ways to reduce his or her anxiety in social situations. If the child does not possess the social skills needed to interact with others, it may be necessary to teach social skills directly. The child also needs to learn to feel better about himself or herself as a person. There are many ways to accomplish these goals. Make sure your child knows that they are loved and valued regardless of their behavior or performance. Talk with your child. about their experiences and help them to evaluate those experiences in nonjudgmental ways that allow them to feel good about themselves. Many times children judge themselves much more harshly than we realize and blame themselves for situations and events they cannot control. As a parent, you can give your child more independence and opportunities to demonstrate responsibility. Successful handling of independence and responsibility will help to foster an improved self-image. A childs image of himself or herself is built on a foundation of many small experiences. The more of those that demonstrate to the child that they possess the capability to succeed, the better the resulting self-image will be. Parents can seek out and provide activities that will allow the child to experience success in social environments. Structured group activities or small groups of one or two other children may facilitate success for the shy child. Parents can discuss, rehearse, and role-play activities with children such as introducing oneself, asking a peer to play, or joining a group of children who are playing a game. If the child is involved in a social-skills training program, parents can reinforce targeted social skills and provide opportunities for rehearsal of skills. If your child is severely shy and inhibited in most situations, the best course of action may include seeking professional help, either through the school, local mental health agency, or your family physician. Severe shyness affects many aspects of the childs life and should not be left unaddressed. What Can I Do as a Teacher? Shy children may be easily overlooked in a busy classroom because they do not present classroom management problems and usually comply with instructions. Teachers need to be sensitive to the needs of shy children and facilitate their interaction with others and their participation in the class. Because shy children are often characterized by anxiety, it is best to avoid drawing attention to them or putting them in situations that will require that they be the center of attention. Structured interactions and small group activities may best facilitate participation by shy students. When children are to work on projects in small groups, the teacher should form the groups rather than allowing students to group themselves. Teachers can take this opportunity to pair shy youngsters with socially competent students who will serve as models for them. Teachers need to avoid reinforcing shy behavior, to be sensitive to the needs of shy children but to refrain from giving the shy child special attention or privileges. When shy children interact appropriately that is the behavior that should be reinforced. There is a natural tendency to either ignore or be overly protective of shy children, but neither of these responses benefits the child. Shy children should be encouraged to interact, provided with opportunities to interact in small, structured settings, and reinforced for interacting. Direct social-skills training and contingency management procedures have been found to produce positive results and may be beneficial for the entire class.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dinner with the Experts :: Personal Narrative Online Dating Essays

Dinner with the Experts Beep. Beep. â€Å"Okay, now what was that timer for?† I said to myself. â€Å"Oh, it’s the steak!† Once the tray was safely on the table, I took off my oven-mitts and crept towards the door to peak in and spy on my guests. The dinner party invitation said to arrive at six o’clock, but I was not surprised to open my door to Ellen and Sherrie at 5:15. They rang the doorbell at least a dozen times in the thirty seconds it took me to get to the door. I found two middle aged women decked out in trendy clothes, the sort a teenager might wear. Ellen had a bright yellow headband on, and Sherrie’s hair was died a fiery red. The kitchen door made a creaking sound as I shut it to return to my cooking, but I was not concerned that they would see me looking in on them. I knew those two would never hear the little noise over their own gabbing. A few weekends ago I saw a segment on online dating on NBC. Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, who co-authored The Rules For Online Dating, spoke with David and Liz, a couple whom had just started dating thanks to online dating services. Prior to seeing the show, I thought that online dating was ridiculous and only for desperate people. David and Liz though, seemed perfectly normal, and from what I gathered, the online dating scene is quickly gaining popularity (Ellen Fein and†¦). I just did not know what to think about it all. Is online dating a good thing? Is it safe compared to real life? I decided to invite all four of them (Ellen, Sherrie, David, and Liz) over for dinner the next week to talk about online dating and if and how it worked. Even after sending out my invitations though, all I could think about was online dating, and I just could not seem to make up my mind as to whether it was a good idea or not. I spent time researching the topic and I came across two more experts on online dating that I wanted to invite to dinner as well. Both Kelly Starling and Andrea Svoboda seemed to be fairly laid back (judging by their writings) people, so I had decided to invite them to dinner also (even though it was short notice).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Royal Mail Privatization

According to the Business News on ‘BBC’ which was updated on 8 October 2013, the government intended in privatizing Royal Mail as this had been planned for many years. Royal Mail employees have been given 10% of the shares as part of a stock market flotation. Business Secretary Vince Cable described it as â€Å"the biggest employee share scheme for almost 30 years†. Meanwhile, the public have been given the opportunity to apply to buy shares online until 8 October.An amount of 750 pounds will be the minimum investment for public while the minimum investment for those Royal Mail employees who wished to buy additional shares is 500 pounds. However, an additional 15% of the government’s stake will be sold if the demand for the shares is very high in what is called an ‘over-allotment’ option. â€Å"The company needs access to private capital in order to grow and compete. † said the government and Royal Mail management.Parcel delivery from in ternet shopping is far more important to Royal Mail’s business compared to the delivery of letters, which is shrinking. Furthermore, in order to try to cut public from spending and borrowing more money, the government has been reluctant to invest large sums of money at a time. Moreover, Royal Mail has also been facing competition from private operators such as ‘TNT’ and ‘UK Mail’. Post Office will not be affected in the privatization because it is now a separate company from Royal Mail.The government said that they want to invest more money in the Post Office network as they want to prevent branch closures and eventually set it up as a mutual business. In conclusion, the reason I have chose this particular topic is because Royal Mail is one the most popular and fast delivery postal service Company in the United Kingdom and I personally agree in Royal Mail being privatized as it is giving them a chance to grow and compete in business.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethnography Proposal Essay

In my ethnography I’m going to study a coffeehouse chain, such as Starbucks. I will be observing as well as socializing in attempt to compare and contrast multiple characteristics one must have to face in working in such an environment. At Starbucks the Baristas must have a genuine upbeat personality to each customer. I would like to study a locally owned coffee house as well to compare the different environments and how one might keep a small business afloat when we have such large chains. I will be observing the interactions that the Barista have with each customer and how he/she will handle that customer. I plan to visit at least two separate coffee houses that are relatively close to one another and will ask several customers from each shop why they chose each coffee house. I will spend about two to three hours at both houses at around the same time of the day. I will be sitting with a notebook to take notes on what I’m observing. I may also include a brief interview with at least one barista, in which i plan to approach with a simple question asking if i could have a moment of their time to answer a few questions about their work environment. Questions will not be intrusive in any i am looking for more generic answers as to how they like working for chain/independent coffee houses. The reason i have chosen to study this group is because i want to figure out how a small business can compete with a large chain such as Starbucks. Everywhere i go i see a Starbucks and most classmates would like to meet at a Starbucks so i can observe the different occasions people come in besides getting a cup of coffee. Also caffeine is the worlds most popular stimulate and four out of every five Americans drink coffee at any given time. Some problems i will face in my research will be timing. When is the best time to come in and observe? How long will i be there for? I tend to notice by experience that coffee shops hit off at certain times of the day and are very empty at others. Where the coffee shop is located will be a factor as well. Some questions i had about my study is, I’m not sure who i should lean my study towards, would it be more difficult to look at customers or at the employers. Also should i be comparing separate coffee houses or just sticking to one?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Marketing Report of a Fashion Brand

Marketing Report of a Fashion Brand Introduction Yota fashion an organization that deals with textiles and clothing of individuals of all ages. Owing to increased competition, marketers are struggling to expand market share and boost sales of Yota fashion.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Report of a Fashion Brand specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Kotler (2001), marketers should be creative and persuasive so that they do not only increase consumer awareness, but also increase their willingness to purchase the products. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to examine competitive environment of Yota fashion and explains how it can manage competition in selling its products. Competitors The main consumers of Yota fashion designs are usually trendy, dynamic, and gregarious individuals, who are both males and females. However, females exert a higher dominance than males in the fashion industry. Consumers of Yota fashion designs are always on the lookout for new fashion. Therefore, Yota fashion needs to be alert and conscious so that it remains in the market and produce designs that are in line with the interests of diverse customers. Since majority of our consumers have increased levels of information on issues relating to technology, education, and social factors, they are bound to change their preferences in a manner that reflects the global dynamics. Goworek (2001) highlights that organizations should understand the needs of their clients so that they can remain in the market and satisfy their consumers. Price, product, design, placement, and promotion are some of the elements that Yota fashion can employ to increase consumer awareness and willingness to purchase their products. Since competition is one of the external forces, which includes political, economical, social, technological, environmental, and Legal (PESTEL), Yota fashion has no control over it. Competitors of Yota fashion such as Spencer, Mar ks, Burberry, Topshop, Mulberry, Asos, and Supergroup enjoy large market share in the United Kingdom. These competitors introduce substitute products into the market at prices, which are relatively lower than that of Yota fashion. Currently, Yota fashion is experiencing high levels of competition. Increased competition in the market increases consumers’ spectrum of choosing desired products. Essentially, Yota fashion needs to be conscious of the dynamics of consumers so that it can deliver the right products to the right segment of consumers (Tungate 2012). Hence, it is imperative for Yota fashion to understand preferences the likes and dislikes of our target consumers, and consequently, aims at delivering products that match their expectations.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To understand the expectations of consumers, fashion designers can employ social sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to analyse the requirements of target consumers. Since many of the target consumers frequent these social sites, it is very easy and efficient to understand their expectations using these sites. One of the main aspects that Yota fashion needs to implement is the conversion of consumer opinions and suggestions into products, as it enables the firm to meet their expectations (Underhill 2009). In addition, Yota fashion, which deals with fashion designs, can creatively pull out ideas and opinions from consumer focus groups and use them to assess whether the products are in line with the proposals from these focus groups. Understanding consumer expectations enables Yota fashion to deliver products, which are in line with the demands of our clients, is a very vital factor in the quest to outsmart competitors in the market. Moreover, the use of elements like product, design, promotion, price, and placement can be instrumental in ensuring that Yota fashion sustains its market share in the ever increasing and competitive market. According to Easey (2009), production of designs that meet consumer demands is very fundamental in attaining client trust and loyalty. Consumer trust and loyalty lead to sustainable development and growth of Yota fashion. Therefore, effective use of elements like promotion, price, product, and design enables the firm to manage competition and retain its market share. Managing Competition In managing competition, Yota fashion will aim at creating brand identity. One way of creating brand identity is to design a unique brand that appeals to the target consumers. In designing unique brand, Yota fashion needs to understand the nature of products that competitors offer in the market. Essentially, organizations need to understand that products of their competitors so that they can offer unique and advanced designs to their customers (Parsons 2009). Therefore, Yota fashion will design clothes that are appealin g and cost friendly to the customers. Extensive marketing of the products is another way that Yota will use in enhancing creating brand identity. Yota will market the product through social sites, newspapers, radio, television, trade fairs, fashion shows, and posters. In marketing, Yota will consider factors such as prevailing market conditions, consumer behaviour, and purchasing power, since they determine how the products will sell in diverse markets. According to Forsyth (2007), marketing is effective means of creating brand identity. The right choice of words used in marketing can increase consumers’ desire to purchase and consume Yota fashion’s products. Table 1 shows SWOT analysis Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats Good quality Expensive Market segmentation Recession Handmade Limited design Sample sales Tough competition Unique No stores Able to buy online Limited stock Aesthetic Cannot buy online Collaborate with a store or brand Bankruptcy Co ntemporary Not established brand Long lasting One of the strengths of Yota fashion is that it offers handmade products, which are not only unique and contemporary, but also they have aesthetic value. As other strengths, the products of the Yota fashion are unique and contemporary with aesthetic value because the styles, designs, and colours do not match that of its competitors.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Report of a Fashion Brand specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The products are contemporary because they have aesthetic value that meets the interests of the youths who like trendy fashions. The material used in making Yota fashion is of good quality and long lasting thus making consumers to get value for their money. Owing to the nature of the products that Yota fashion offers, it has opportunities in the competitive market because it has a wide range of products that it can offer through seg mentation of the market. The ability to buy online is a technological opportunity that allows Yota fashion to expand its market share beyond the locations of its stores. Moreover, collaboration with other brands is a significant opportunity that Yota can utilize in enhancing its market share in the competitive markets. Since Yota fashion offers sample sales, retail stores are able to attract potential customers and increase sales. Despite the strengths, Yota fashion has weaknesses and threats that affect its competitiveness in the markets. One limitation of the Yota fashion is that its products are expensive; hence, some potential customers are unable to procure because they are beyond their purchasing power. The existence of limited designs is also a weakness because customers do not have an array of designs that they can select diverse fashions according to their interests. Lack of physical stores, online stores, and established brand name are some weaknesses that Yota fashion is grappling with as it tries to increase sales and expand market share. In addition to weaknesses, Yota fashion experiences threats such as recession, tough competition, limited stock, and bankruptcy. Recurring economic recessions tremendously increase the cost of textiles and consequently the cost of production. Tough competition from competitors such as Spencer, Marks, Burberry, Topshop, Mulberry, Asos, and Supergroup threatens to monopolize markets. Limited stock of products threatens sustainability of Yota fashion and makes it run into bankruptcy. References Easey, M 2009, Fashion Marketing, John Wiley Sons, London. Forsyth, P 2007, Outsmarting Your Competitors: Techniques of Sales Excellence to Build Profitable Business, Marshall Cavendish, London.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Goworek, H 2001, Fashion Buying Oxford, Blackwell Science, New York. Kotler, P 2001, Principles of marketing, Prentice Hall, New York. Tungate, M 2012, Fashion Brands: Branding Style from Armani to Zara, Kogan Page, London. Parsons, E 2009, Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Routledge, London. Underhill, P 2009, Why we buy: the science of shopping , Simon and Schuster, New York.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on The role of Information Technology in Organization DesignEssay Writing Service

Essay on The role of Information Technology in Organization DesignEssay Writing Service Essay on The role of Information Technology in Organization Design Essay on The role of Information Technology in Organization DesignToday, business intelligence plays a more important part than it used to do in the past because the contemporary business environment is different from that of the past. To put it more precisely, in the past, business intelligence operated in the social context, whereas today business intelligence operates in the socio-technical one that means that the contemporary business environment and business intelligence involves the collection of the valuable technical information that is essential for the adequate assessment of rivals and the contemporary business environment and for the successful business development. At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that information plays a consistently more important role today than it used to be in the past. In fact, knowledge and information are crucial for the competitive power of companies. This is why they are so concerned with their business intelligence. In this regard, business intelligence performs dubious function. On the one hand, business intelligence provides companies with valuable information which business intelligence can collect about rivals or key trends in the development of the target industry. On the other hand, business intelligence contributes to the enhancement of the information security of the company because it focuses on the identification of possible threats and ways in which rivals can get access to the information of the company. Taking into consideration the increased role of information in the contemporary business environment, it is important to place emphasis on the key role of business intelligence which opens the opportunity for companies to obtain the most relevant and up-to-date information about the current development of rivals and protect the information system of their companies.Social networks play an important part in the contemporary society and business with millions of users using social net works on the daily basis. In this regard, the social media and networks aggregation open new prospects for business development as well as allow users to use the full potential of social networks. In fact, the aggregation of social media increases their popularity and contributes to their wider use. In such a situation, the development of new services integrated closely into the structure of social networks and media. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the development of new effective approaches to the integration of new services into the social media.In this regard, businesses can use the full potential of social media which can be used for commercial purposes. Social media allow businesses to access huge audience in a relatively short time. In such a way, the social media aggregation increases its business potential. Therefore, businesses are likely to invest into further social aggregation of social media. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the d evelopment of social media is closely intertwined with the further aggregation as an effective way for the close integration of different applications into the social media. In such a way, social media help businesses and users can open new opportunities for the interaction of customers and companies. At the same time, customers can benefit from the development of effective interaction with each other and businesses. Therefore, the social media aggregation is inevitable because it expands business opportunities of social media and increases their popularity among customersIn actuality, using e-mail is still quite efficient way to maintain the communication between users. Moreover, today, e-mail has increased its functionality that contributes to its persisting popularity. However, the contemporary use of e-mail is quite different from the use of e-mail in the past, when e-mail was the main means of communication and users shared information via e-mail mainly. Today, e-mail is rather the complementary means of communication, when new applications and services emerged which allow users to share information fast and effectively. Moreover, new applications and services increase the effectiveness of the interaction between users. In this regard, the traditional e-mail becomes an outdated technology.In addition, one of the major reasons for the steady decline of the popularity of e-mail is the high threats which made e-mail vulnerable to information breaches. Traditionally, e-mail was vulnerable to the high level of attacks and cases of information breaches were very frequent. In such a way, the confidence of customers in the reliability of the e-mail service has started to drop but currently e-mail services have enhanced their security level that allowed to regain the confidence of consumers into the reliability and security of e-mail services.Nevertheless, even the enhanced security of e-mail services did not allow e-mail service providers to regain such popularit y of e-mail as it used to be in the past, at the dawn of internet, when e-mail was the mainstream way of sharing information online. The diversity of new services and their higher quality forces e-mail services to change and adapt to new needs and expectations of customers. However, at the moment, e-mail has to catch up with substitute technologies and services to maintain its position in the competitive struggle.In fact, today, cloud technology is very popular because it has a number of benefits attractive for users which can help users to share software and common files using clouds. In addition, the cloud technology is very efficient way of sharing data and information between users. They can get access to the target information fast and, as a rule, cloud technology is reliable and efficient for users. This is why cloud technology is very popular among users.However, the cloud technology has one substantial drawback. The cloud technology cannot provide users with the high level o f security. As a result, users become vulnerable to numerous threats associated with the poor information protection and security. In such a situation, users should develop effective approaches to maintain their information security but, if they use the cloud technology, they can never be certain in their information security.In such a situation, users should be very careful while deciding to use the cloud technology. The further expansion of the use of the cloud technology may also raise the problem of the independence of users of applications and services provided in terms of the cloud technology. In such a way, the cloud technology threatens to the privacy and independence of users since, if they use applications supplied by the cloud technology, they cannot maintain their regular activities online as well as offline, if they do not have access to the cloud because of a shutdown of the server, for example. In addition, the cloud technology provider can use the dependence of consu mers on applications and other services provided for its own benefits.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When Should I Take the ACT for the First Time

When Should I Take the ACT for the First Time SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you starting to ask yourself, When should I take the ACT for the first time?The answer to this is a little more complex thanthe question. There are several factors to consider here, so let's review them so you can make an informed decision. First, when do most students take the ACT for the first time? Typical ACT Schedule Many students take the ACT two or three times to try to improve and hit their target scores. They take it for the first time in the fall of junior year, again in the spring, and for the final time in the fall of senior year. This schedule is a solid plan for a lot of students and gives them a good balance between schoolwork, test prep, and college applications. Apart from the pros of this typical schedule, there are a few cons to consider. The first and foremost is that it limits your available test dates. While the ACT is offered 6times throughout the year, in September, October, December, February, April, and June, realistically you'll need time between each test sitting to prep effectively and see score improvements. Taking the ACT in the fall of junior year leaves most studentswith about three test dates to hit their target scores. This might be totally sufficient for some students, but others might benefit from having more chances to take the ACT. Having more test dates protects you if you have a fluke testing day and get sick or can't sleep the night before. Starting earlier so you have more test datesmight also take off some of the pressure, because you won't feel like you're running out of time to achieve your scores. Let's look closer at some reasons why many students step outside this typical test-taking schedule and sign up to take the ACT earlier than the fall of junior year. Why Would You Take the ACT Early? As I touched on briefly above, one major motivation for signing up your first ACT earlier than junior year is simply to give yourself more test dates, and thus more opportunities, to hit your target scores. More Test Dates Let's say you take the ACT in the fall of sophomore year. Your scores are okay, but you think you can make them even better. You have a sense of what you need to study to improve and focus your test prep on those sections or question types. Then you take it again in the spring of sophomore year. If you're still not satisfied, you still have a bunch more test dates to choose from and over a year to keep prepping. Just starting a year earlier could double your opportunities to take the ACT. This could help relieve stress and safeguard you in case anything unexpected comes up and interferes with testing day. Rather than pushing your test dates up against your college application deadlines, you can separate these two pursuits and give yourself more space to breathe and take your time. At the same time, you only want to sign up for and take the ACT if you've put in some test prep first. You want to study for at least 10 hours to familiarize yourself with the format, timing, and instructions of the test. However, in our experience, something like 100 hours of total study time is better to gain expertise and see a real improvement in your approach, understanding, and scores. If you're taking the ACT early, you also should prep early. While taking the real test is valuable experience, you also shouldn't take any real tests with absolutely zero preparation. In rare cases, a huge score change between your first and second test could alert ACT scorers and lead to them withholding or even canceling your scores. So moving your first ACT test date up a year or two should also coincide with moving your prep schedule up. Another reason you might take this approach is if you're "superscoring" the ACT and building up your scores one section at a time. You're Superscoring the ACT Many colleges superscore the ACT, or take your highest section scores across all test dates and recombine them into a new, highest composite score. Not a lot of students know that theycan actually use this policy to their advantage by "superscoring" their tests, just like the colleges. What I mean by superscoring your tests is that you can strategically build up your ACT superscore section by section. On one test date, for example, you could focus a lot of your prep and energy on getting a high Reading score. The next you could focus intensively on English, then on math, and then on science (or focus on two or three sections at a time). As long as your colleges take your highest section scores, and not your highest "sitting" score on one date, then you might get a high ACT score gradually, rather than all at once. Just as I mentioned above, you don't want to treat any test date or section as a "throwaway," because huge fluctuations could be a red flag to colleges or the ACT scorers. For the most part, you can choose which score reports to send to colleges, but some require that you send all your scores across all testing dates and expect you to be honest and comply with this policy. When designing your testing schedule, you want to be aware of your colleges' policy towards standardized tests and countit in as an important factor. If your collegesdon't require all scores, then really you could take the ACT as many times as you want (well, technically you can take it a maximum of 12 times). But I wouldn't suggest going past 6 times, as it could start to be a waste of time and money. Plus if you're finding yourself dissatisfied with your scores over and over, you probably should rethink your test prep strategy and figure out how to make it more productive and effective. Besides being strategic about raising your ACT scores, you might also want to take the ACT earlier just to gain valuable real test experience. Real Test Experience While timing yourself and taking practice tests (and analyzing your results) is a key part of test prep, no practice test can truly mimic the experience of sitting for the official ACT. You might want to sign up for the test just to get this valuable experience, so you know exactly what to bring, when to arrive, and what snacks will boost your energy during the breaks. If you're worried about all the other factors around taking the test, like logistics of getting to your testing center and how exactly to fill out and proofread your bubble sheet, then you might benefit from taking the official ACT. You'll learn how you handle the whole experience and be prepared to improve on any weaknesses for the next time. You might also be pleasantly surprised that you have the content knowledge and skills to do well on the ACT early on, like in freshman or sophomore year. Prepared for anything. You're Prepared Enough to Take the ACT Early While the ACT covers more advanced math than the SAT and has a science section, it does not require very advanced content knowledge that only upperclassmen have. Instead, you might be well prepared with the skills and knowledge in English, Reading, Math, and Science to do well on the ACT in your freshman or sophomore year. You might even surpass the content once you move into junior and senior year, like by taking pre-calculus or calculus, and have to look back and review concepts from past years, like algebra and geometry, that have gotten rusty. Prepping early could be beneficial both for reinforcing class concepts in the context of the ACT and developing the study habits that will help you get good grades in school. You might have more time in freshman and sophomore year, before you're busy with college applications, AP classes, varsity sports, community service, or any of the other activities in which you get involved. If you're prepared with class and have the time, then putting in the effort to prep and take the ACT in 10th or even 9th grade might let you finish taking the ACT early and free up your time in junior and/or senior year. Finally, some students take the ACT even earlier, like in middle school, to qualify for special academic and talent programs. You're Competing in Talent Search Programs While the ACT is mainly a college entrance exam, some students take it earlier to qualify for talent competitions and academic programs. These programs includeBESTS at the University of Iowa, CTY at Johns Hopkins University, JBA at Truman State University, MATS at Northwestern University, and TIP at Duke University. All of these reasons described above are good ones for signing up for your first ACT earlier than the typical junior year test date. As I mentioned,there are also a few reasons to be cautious when answering the question, When should I take my first ACT? Why Might You Not Take the ACT Earlier? I touched on some reasons why you want to be careful about taking the ACT before you're ready and will elaborate on them in some more detail here. The main reason would simply be lack of preparation. While sitting for the real test is really helpful experience, it's not a good idea to go into the ACT with zero studying. Here's a more extreme case. I actually worked with a student who took the ACT just as a trial run. His scores weren't that great, so he studied for several months and then took it again. He did much better. So much better, in fact, that the ACT withheld his scores and made him go through a long process ofappeal that involved gathering letters from teachers and making a dozen phone calls to all different departments. In the end, the ACT never released his scores. This situation is very rare, but it can happen if the ACT sees a huge jump or senses inconsistencies in your test scores. Especially with recent security breaches around the ACT and SAT, these organizations carefully monitor any hint of foulplay. The moral of this story is that you don't want to take the ACT with absolutely no preparation just to see what it's like, becausethis could not only look strange to ACT, Inc, but could also just be a wasted opportunity to test. The other consideration is that some colleges want you to send all your scores from all test sittings. I would say taking the ACT up to 6 times is fair game, but any more than that might start to send the message that you're not putting in the effort to prep and have a hard time achieving your scores. To sum up, preparation is the name of the game with the ACT, so you want to find a balance between test prep and leaving yourself enough test dates to hit your target scores, line up the test with school, and design a productive schedule for you. Ask yourself these questions. Questions to Ask Yourself Along with asking, when should I take the ACT for the first time, you can ask yourself these key questions: Have I done some test prep? If you answer yes, then you can likely go ahead and register for the ACT. If no, then make some time to study before signing up. Even 10 hours of prep can make a big difference in familiarizing yourselfwith the test. What are my target scores? If you have defined your target scores, take a practice test and see how close you are to achieving them. If you are scoring much lower than your goals, then you might want to prep some more before signing up for your first ACT. How many test dates do I think I need to achieve my target scores? If you think you need more than two or three test dates to reach your target scores, or feel uneasy aboutthe idea of testing in the fall of senior year, then you probably should sign up to take the ACT as a sophomore. What are my colleges' policies regarding superscoring and sending score reports? If your colleges superscore your results, then this might be part of your testing strategy, as described above. If they want you to send all your score reports, then you might be more cautious in your approach. How can I fit test prep into my current and future schedule? If you are planning to take three AP courses junior year or are joining a varsity sports team, you might consider doing Future You a favor and prepping earlier rather than later, when you have more time and flexibility in your schedule. Once you've answered these questions, you should have a clearer sense of what prep and testing schedule work best for you. Rather than simply following the typical schedule, you should make sure you make a plan that works best with your schedule, classes, and personal goals. What's Next? Are you taking the ACT in 9th grade? What about in 10th grade? Read aboutwhat makes a good score for freshmen and sophomores on the ACT and how you can improve for next time. The best way to prepare for the ACT is with official practice questions. Download official ACT practice tests here. Time yourself, score your tests, and make sure you really analyze and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Restrictions on U.S. Imports of Japanese Autos Essay

Restrictions on U.S. Imports of Japanese Autos - Essay Example However, the financial problems of GM (which were made worse by increased Japanese competition), did facilitate giving an incredibly large sum of bailout money to them. According to most analysts, GM is showing signs of a strong recovery, but how they will fare in the long run remains to be seen. Personally, I don’t think it is a good thing to be totally dependant on a foreign producer of cars, but at the same time the government shouldn’t be subsidizing a company just to make sure it stays alive. Car companies and other entrepreneurs are perfectly capable of competing with foreign markets; they just need more competent leaders to find ways to increase efficiency. Ford and Dodge didn’t need a bailout and they are still competitive so why was it so important to keep a struggling business alive? It’s not as if GM was the only American car company left. As far as production goes, it would probably be a good idea to imitate Japanese automakers since they seem to have a competitive edge over American made cars. If American automakers can’t succeed in this then they probably don’t deserve to be in business and, economically speaking, would be better off looking for something where there is a competitive advantage to be had. As far as tariffs and quotas on Japanese automobiles are concerned, a tariff is better than a quota because a tariff generates revenue for the government and a quota does not. Also, tariffs are less likely to lead to corruption and smuggling. For instance, if a country wants to import 10,000 and a quota only allows for 5,000 the government would determine which suppliers would be left out. This could lead to government officials â€Å"playing favorites† and getting kickbacks from suppliers. We have seen in the past how as foreign companies raise their prices to pay for tariffs the American companies follow suit and raise their prices as

Friday, October 18, 2019

Training Public Servants in the Public Sector Research Paper

Training Public Servants in the Public Sector - Research Paper Example Training and development can also be used to provide the workers with new knowledge that they can apply in the workplace. A good training and development program has both mandatory and voluntary trainings (Ncsu). Mandatory trainings are given to the entire staff. Offering other training opportunities is important so that employees that are motivated to become better workers can move up the corporate ladder. Employees that voluntarily take advantage of training opportunities have a better chance to be given a promotion by a firm. Providing training and development can help reduce the stress of the workers by adequately preparing them to perform their job tasks. Training and development initiatives are typically given by the managers, human resource department, or by an outside consultant. Preparing training and development programs in-house can help companies save money. Training and development can help motivate the staff (Bodimer, 2013). To determine whether training adds value to the firm the organization must perform a cost-value analysis. New employees are often given on-the-job training. On-the-jo b training is the most widely method used for training. On-the-job training involves placing the employee into the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor (Ivancevich, 2001). A training method that can be used to develop managerial decision making is the in-basket technique. Managerial games emphasize development of problem solving skills. A few years ago I worked at a company that was suffering from productivity issues. The managers of the company were not able to identify the source of the problem. The general manager of the company hired a consulting firm to assess the situation. After one week of observation and analysis the consultant determined that the productivity of

How is Let America be America applicable to today's America Essay

How is Let America be America applicable to today's America - Essay Example He is saddened that America has lost it way and says that he never felt true freedom in the USA. He appeals to the reader and indeed the general public at large that they should work to bring back America to the status of the leader of the free world. This poem was written in 1935 in the Great Depression Era (Rampersad, 4) but is relevant even today. Explanation This selection consists of two stanzas. In the first stanza (Hughes, 725) the poet says that the USA should revert to the ideal of being a dream fulfilled, as the leader of the free world. Just like the part of mankind searching for freedom from oppression, America should be a pioneer in ensuring that people enjoy freedom from oppression and enjoy civil liberties as their basic right, across the civilized world. This is a democratic ideal and America has been known to champion the cause of democracy across the world in the present times. It regards democracy to be the best system of Government because the people elect their o wn representatives who then are entrusted with the duty of serving the people in the most effective and efficient manner.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Michelangelo - Essay Example Michelangelo spent a year with Ghirlandaio, and then his apprenticeship was broken off. He got access to the collection of ancient Roman sculpture of the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de’Medici. Michelangelo lived with Lorenzo’s family and became like a son to him. The death of Lorenzo in 1492 was a very painful moment in the artist’s life. Soon after Lorenzo died the Medici family lost power and Michelangelo had to flee to Bologna. About the same time Michelangelo studied anatomy at the hospital Santo-Spirito, which helped him a lot in becoming a great sculptor as we know him. Michelangelo created his fist sculpture at the age of 17. That was the Battle of the Centaurs. In 1496 Michelangelo moved to Rome and spent five years there. We do not know much of his life and work at that period of time. There he carved a statue of Bacchus for a bankers garden of ancient sculpture. â€Å"This is Michelangelos earliest surviving large-scale work, and his only sculpture meant to be viewed from all sides.†(Michelangelo Biography, para.5) In 1498 he carved Pieta (pieta is a type of image in which Mary supports the dead body of Christ across her knees), which is now in St. Peter’s Cathedral. When Michelangelo returned to his hometown – Florence - in 1501, he was recognized as the most talented sculptor of the central Italy. He started carving the statue of David for Florence cathedral. â€Å"In the David Michelangelo first displayed that quality of _terribilità  _, of spirit-quailing, awe-inspiring force, for which he afterwards became so famous†¦ He was, however, far from having yet adopted those systematic proportions for the human body which later on gave an air of monotonous impressiveness to all his figures. On the contrary, this young giant strongly recalls the model; still more strongly indeed than the Bacchus did. Wishing perhaps to adhere strictly to the Biblical story, Michelangelo studied a lad whose frame was not developed."(Symonds,

Water Quality and Contamination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Water Quality and Contamination - Research Paper Example The most common ground water contaminants come from human activities that involve dumping of waste materials in the environment which eventually seeps into ground water reserves. Ground water is contaminated by constituents have the ability to either come into direct or indirect contact with this water. From this background, the experiment designed to test the effects the most common ground water contaminants. These were detergents, oil and soil particles that are the most used compounds by man in their daily lives. The experiment was conducted on the premise of proving or disapproving a predetermined hypothesis. The hypotheses stated that water would take on the appearance, color and odor of each element added and the cheese would serve as a filter for the particles. Materials and Methods. The experiment required the use of beakers which were used to hold the water that was used to test effect of various contaminants. A total of 8 beakers were used where the water to be used in the experiment was contained. Each beaker of water was exposed to a different contaminant and the changes in appearance, color, and smell were tabulated for comparison purposes. Results. Beaker Observations 1 Semi Cloudy no particles & odorless 2 Oil settled on top of water 3 No change except smell of vinegar 4 Color changed to blue, smell of laundry detergent, some bubbles developed 5 The water turned brownish in color with particles floating & no smell 6 The oil settled to the top of the water & produced large bubbles with small bubbles inside, water is cloudy & no odor 7 All the liquid filtered through the cheesecloth & vinegary odor, cloudy 8 All the liquid filtered through the cheesecloth, bluish in color & smell of detergent The vinegar added a smell that was characteristic of vinegar, detergent changed the color of the water while soil changed the color and water constituent by adding particles both suspended and precipitated. On addition of oil, it changed the appearance of the water by making it become cloudy and the water slightly took to the density of oil. Each contaminant had its own characteristic effect on the quality of the water sample used. Soil and detergent had the most potent effect on the quality of water because they changed the color and constitution of water and the overall appearance of water. Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality Table 2: Ammonia Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 0 mg/L of Ammonia Dasani ® Bottled Water 0 mg/L of Ammonia Fiji ® Bottled Water 0 mg/L of Ammonia Table 3: Chloride Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 0 Chloride mg/L Dasani ® Bottled Water 0 Chloride mg/L Fiji ® Bottled Water 0 Chloride mg/L Table 4: 4 in 1 Test Results Water Sample pH Total Alkalinity Total Chlorine Total Hardness Tap Water 6 7 6 5 Dasani ® Bottled Water 2 6 6 5 Fiji ® Bottled Water 8 6 9 4 Table 5: Phosphate Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 0 ppm Dasani ® Bottled Water 0 ppm Fiji ® B ottled Water 100 ppm Table 6: Iron Test Results Water Sample Test Results Tap Water 0 ppm Dasani ® Bottled Water 0 ppm Fiji ® Bottled Water 0 ppm The results garnered from the bottled water experiment illustrated no significant differences between tap water and bottled water. There were observable differences in the pH levels between the two brands of bottled water. The results showed that Dasani ® Bottled water was more acidic despite the fact that it had the same levels of chlorine with tap water. Fiji ® Bottled water had more chlorine explaining its high pH. Discussion. The results from experiment 2 were able to support the hypothesis formulated for this test because the contaminants were able to completely contaminate the water as stated.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Michelangelo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Michelangelo - Essay Example Michelangelo spent a year with Ghirlandaio, and then his apprenticeship was broken off. He got access to the collection of ancient Roman sculpture of the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo de’Medici. Michelangelo lived with Lorenzo’s family and became like a son to him. The death of Lorenzo in 1492 was a very painful moment in the artist’s life. Soon after Lorenzo died the Medici family lost power and Michelangelo had to flee to Bologna. About the same time Michelangelo studied anatomy at the hospital Santo-Spirito, which helped him a lot in becoming a great sculptor as we know him. Michelangelo created his fist sculpture at the age of 17. That was the Battle of the Centaurs. In 1496 Michelangelo moved to Rome and spent five years there. We do not know much of his life and work at that period of time. There he carved a statue of Bacchus for a bankers garden of ancient sculpture. â€Å"This is Michelangelos earliest surviving large-scale work, and his only sculpture meant to be viewed from all sides.†(Michelangelo Biography, para.5) In 1498 he carved Pieta (pieta is a type of image in which Mary supports the dead body of Christ across her knees), which is now in St. Peter’s Cathedral. When Michelangelo returned to his hometown – Florence - in 1501, he was recognized as the most talented sculptor of the central Italy. He started carving the statue of David for Florence cathedral. â€Å"In the David Michelangelo first displayed that quality of _terribilità  _, of spirit-quailing, awe-inspiring force, for which he afterwards became so famous†¦ He was, however, far from having yet adopted those systematic proportions for the human body which later on gave an air of monotonous impressiveness to all his figures. On the contrary, this young giant strongly recalls the model; still more strongly indeed than the Bacchus did. Wishing perhaps to adhere strictly to the Biblical story, Michelangelo studied a lad whose frame was not developed."(Symonds,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Distance Learning and Brick-and-Mortar Learning Coursework

Distance Learning and Brick-and-Mortar Learning - Coursework Example by their professors with virtually no availability of visual and auditory media for facilitating the students wilt latest technology-based learning opportunities most of the times. This remains a reality that in a more traditional brick-and-mortar classroom type of learning, students remain oblivious to the amazing freedom of surfing on their own for gathering useful academic information which is based on latest research and offers more up-to-date knowledge which differs hugely with the more conventional academic theories pursued by the professors since ages in the brick-mortar classroom learning. I, on my part, cannot deny the fact that had I not engrossed myself in online learning so as to continue my educational journey in a country like Afghanistan, I would never have acknowledged the myriad benefits of online learning like developing the amazing ability to search answers to complex academic questions on my own without any supervision. Coming to the resembling features between on line learning and brick-and-mortar learning, it is worth mentioning that the process of submitting academic assignments remains pretty much the same in both modes of learning. This is because the students have to mail their assignments to their professors so that they could be evaluated and analyzed by them, thus ruling out the factor that most of the students still have to line up for having their projects assessed by their professors in the traditional classrooms. The process of submitting assignments thus remains the same between an online education college and a traditional brick-and-mortar classroom. Secondly, though people can be educated and acquire a professional degree both through traditional colleges and online learning colleges these days, still absence of a traditional... From this paper it is clear that  distance learning like involving oneself in an online education program saves one from relying excessively and unnecessarily on the professors for getting answers to certain academic problems. On the other hand, online learning process provides the students with the commendable facility of developing a broader academic vision especially when they start searching for latest information available online which relates to their queries. Research studies identify as to how online learning â€Å"might contribute to desired learning outcomes like critical thinking, taking ownership of learning, forming essential questions, collegiality, and the like†.According to the research findings  the factor of collegiality is enhanced by engaging in an online learning course when students are explicitly united for a common purpose like an academic purpose on a useful online forum like Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites for resolving certai n complex problems and discussing answers to them after resolving on one most credible answer.  Independence, self-motivation, and learning via visual media are the three most important benefits offered by online learning process, as identified by in comparison to traditional style learning. While traditional courses are offered to the students via reading the written text, online courses employ the facility of visual learning medium like delivering course through high-definition pictures and videos.

Monday, October 14, 2019

James Randolf in China Essay Example for Free

James Randolf in China Essay I. Overview The case focuses on James Randolf, a first-time expatriate manager from Controls Inc. He is sent abroad to help establish a joint venture (VC) with a Chinese subsidiary of the firm. Controls is a Chicago-based company which specializes in design of production of temperature control and filtration systems. Controls has already established operations in various parts of the world – Europe, Asia and South America. By investing in China, they are exploring the untapped Asian market, a key market with potential customers. Chong Ming Electro-Assembly is the company they are negotiating with in Shanghai. Despite the previous expansions of the US firm, the management has no experience working with Chinese firms before and they made a number of managerial mistakes that I am going to cover in this paper. But what the company did, was to negotiate an agreement with Chongming to jointly run a manufacturing plant on Chongming Dao island, north of Shangai. Controls sent James Randolf to co-manage the facility. J. Randolf was 51 years old at the time and had work in managerial positions in Engineering, Quality and Customer Support for 15 years. But what made him a perfect candidate for the position was that his wife was born in Shanghai. That made him the most culturally empathetic to his co-workers in the new facility. II. Preparation Prior to being sent to China, Randolf underwent an orientation training. There, points about his duties, obligations and assignments were discussed. The matter of payment was also settled, while his new position provided him with benefits such as convenient moving arrangements. Randolf then proceeded to visit the plant in Shanghai where he would be working for the next 3 years of his contract. Having committed to the assignment, he then received a supplemental orientation course which lasted 2 days. In this course he was supposed to become accustomed to the cultural differences of Chinese workers, to exchange information with other co-expatriates. All this supplemented with language learnings. Randolf then went on to work in the new facility for 13 months after which he was recalled to the home office by phone.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The negative effects of technology

The negative effects of technology Technology is everywhere. It is a tool that certainly changes the world and how it operates. Many people today are familiar with the technology and its use; it might become extremely important in aspects of our life also evolved in over the past decades and even now made our life simpler, easier, convenient and more comfortable. This notion of the technological development and obvious human capability could cause a massive impact on how the world operates. Unfortunately, nowadays, technologies possibly play both positive and negative rules; depending on how can we invest it. Furthermore, if technology invested and used in useful and positive ways then it might give us a good influence whereas, if it used in negative ways, it will probably cause us a negative influence. In my opinion, it seems that technologies have had a great effect on today’s lifestyle. On the other hand, there are many people omit to believe about some negative effects that related to the use of technologie s. This essay will focus on the extent to which negative and positive influence of the technology on some areas of the human’s lifestyle. HT Media Ltd (2014) argues that the characteristics of technology certainly provide unlimited belongings while their negative influence on personal relationship may be examined methodically also it could take too long time to recognize the problem, so we should re-study the function of the technology impact on our lifestyle. A part from this, it sometimes makes us restive and confused. These harmful impacts might produce serious problems that we should deal with. Thus, it may be observed that the principle accessibility of technology may reduce the distance between us in order to the growth of the social relationships, and then we might need much more technologies to keeping and strengthening our personal relationships. It could also possible say that the personal relationships possibly changed significantly. Several people might become used for intelligent and modern devices such as computers, laptops and phones. Thus, they could browse the Internet and will may use the most common social networking applications like Twitter, Skype, Facebook, WeChat, WhatsApp, etc. The communication technology and social sites certainly provided interaction smother and easier with each other, whereas, also have certainly provided public separated from another people because that it could reduce the demand to make communication face-to-face conversation. As a result, it is fair to say that the impacts of those social networking sites are very obvious not only on our personal relationships, but also on many parts of our routine such as privacy, freedom, person’s independent and education (HT Media Ltd, 2014). The relationship between the students and their families and friends could have a massive effect not just on the health such mental and physical problems. In recent years, many people spend a long time of their day in front of the systems and electronic devices, which might lead to obesity and lastly a great threat to the health, but also on the education. What is more, the family probably support student to achieve the aim of their studies, and may help them to reduce the harmful impacts of stressful life actions due to; there are some students could live a lone which might make them more socially separated, and they may become more relay on the modern electronic devices to getting on engagement and social support. Thus, students certainly use the Internet to communicate frequently with friends and family by emails and text messages being the favourites instruments and technology devices (Weber, 2003). Certainly, some technological developments might cause populaces to be distracted, too worried, and gradually out-of-the-way also many people may be tangled in many numbers of societies with the technologies today however; the property of these relationships might make people feeling qualitatively empty. Clearly, technology has had a reflective impact on what it means to be social Robert (2014). In figure (1) shows communities, social networking sites, and today’s communication tools that use it students. This study of students and technology observed that 97 percent of students graphed used social networking sites to stay in touch with their friends. As a result, technology might have strongly affected to students on their personal relationship. Source: Robert (2014). Pew Internet American Life Project (2002) suggests that nowadays, generation of the learners that attend to the institutions of study like universities, colleges and schools could be have unprotected to technology so early and they have been more familiar with it. In the same way, Anderson (2001) states that about twenty percent of the learners attend to schools are used modern electronic devices, when they were between 5 and 8 years old and all these children certainly activated using the computers whenever they increased using it as well. In one sense, there are many reasons for huge uses of the Internet and the technology could be connecting with family, classmate, and friends. It seems that some communication applications and sites like Email, MySpace Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, WeChat, LinkedIn, Tango and scores of others by these all sites we could contact each other in any position on over all the world easily and smoothly. Lickerman (2010) mentions that it appears that these fantastic ways and interconnectedness might be solution of our problems. In fact, it may be too expensive. Furthermore, there is a strong connection between technologies and education. Technology may rapidly blossom in the last twenty years. It would become not just a familiar tool, whereas also certainly improved the knowledge and our skills of the research as an educator. Moreover, it would engage us to study since it could be easy to access and able to share learning materials. Educational technology could be a study and moral training for facilitating teaching and improving performance also it in education may be just an additional chance to achieve education, if we do not time or opportunities to do it another way. In that case, then it could result in the good changes of pedagogy and teaching ways all over the world in order to we could observe the advantages that educational technology and also might create educational chances for students and teachers. On the other hand, it might have a negative effect on students at classroom, which causes no controlling device use, distractions, the risk of cyber-bullring and limiting face-to-face communication due to the difference in available a wonderful technology and preparation needed for operating technologies in teaching could also discover various disadvantages (Sosnowski, 2014). Above all, there is no universal argument in the legal society about organization of the computer crime, probably just one reason for that which certainly the rapidly developing state of computer technologies day by day. In 1979, U.S. Department of Justice Publication, divided computer crime into three main parts: First of all, Computer abuse †¦the broad range of international acts involving a computer where one or more perpetrators made or could have made gain and one or victims suffered or could have suffered a loss† .In the Second part, Computer crime †¦Illegal computer abuse implies direct involvement of computers in committing a crime. In the last part, computer related crimes †¦any illegal act for which a knowledge of computer technology is essential for successful prosecution†. In short, these definitions of these parts possibly become cleared by the massive production of computers and electronic devices related products over a few years ago. Thus, the development of effective computer network security law and public policy could not be accomplished without co-operation between the technical and legal communities. Unfortunately, in many countries there are no substances of laws that could protect a persons privacy when they browse the Internet. The rules that try to set a standard of privacy are substances of the laws beginning with the constitution and remaining down to local laws. These laws are not geared for the Internet. These laws may be to protect a persons informational privacy. In the other way, privacy might be one of the most conditions where technology effects significantly signs both the real and the practical landscape. There are a number of demands where in order to increase personal privacy sources, especially in the private areas, demand a great deal of personal information. So the information in the right sides makes the chances for a huge convenience, allowing people access and share information more methodically associated to them. In contrast, the incorrect sides, this information might cause confusion on individual in the shape of financial damage, or identity stealing. Some agencies sector might be going as far as to secure the information and the law enforcement (Hale, 2005). Hale (2005) states in report explaining identity hazards that face recognition technology (FRT) might lead to a full investigation personal freedom prohibiting privacy as organization might use it to detect people at anytime and location. Clearly, it might lead to eliminate not just people’s freedom, but also their independence as well. To sum up, the usages of technologies on various areas of the human’s lifestyle could be has both positive and negative consequences. Great site by the way, the connecting technologies in the educational process might makes education enjoyable and more comfortable for the educators and the learners as well and also helps to combine connection education and employment. The technology should be used when it completely benefits us also when it is needed as well and people should try to communicate with each other by meeting in order to improve their society. In contrast, it is not possible to reverse the negative effects of technologies; people should try to avoid it in order to get benefited which helps us in money saving and use it more comfortable and securable. The larger our sense of the freedom and independency as human, we continually try to free ourselves from the limits forced by nature, society, and a new technologies which may lead to more control on our lifestyle. It appears that the use of these technologies probably increasing annually that let us nowadays to look at it more critically. References: 1)- Anderson, K. J. (2001). Internet use among college students: An exploratory study. Journal of American College Health, 50 (1), 21–26. 2) HT Media Ltd, (2014) Technology and Social Relationship. The Financial Express, 1 Mar. Available at: 3) -Hale, B. (2005). Ethics, Place, and Environment. Rutledge Publishing. 8(2). 4)- Robert, J. (2014). Dimensions Of Leisure For Life. Human Kinetics. Available at: [Accessed 24 Aug 2014]. 5)- LaRose, R., Eastin, M. S., Gregg, J. (2001). Reformulating the Internet paradox: Social cognitive explanations of Internet use and depression. Retrieved April 2, 2005, from: v1n2/paradox.html. 6)- Likerman, A. (2010) The Effect of Technology on Relationships. Happiness in this world. Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug 2014]. 7) Pew Internet American Life Project. (2002). The Internet goes to college. Washington, DC: Author. 8) Sosnowski, J., (2014) Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education. Ehow contributor. Available at: [Accessed 16 Aug 2014]. 9)- United States Department of Justice (1979). Computer Crime, Criminal Justice Resource Manual.[online].Retrieved October 1999,from: [Accessed 19 Aug 2014]. 10)- Weber, L. (2003).Relationships Among Spirituality, Social Support and Childhood Maltreatment in University Students. Counselling and Values. 47 (2), pp.82–9 1

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Moral Law According To Kant Essay -- Morality Ethics Kant Philosophy E

Moral Law According To Kant   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Immanuel Kant was a deontologist from Germany in the eithteenth century. He believed that the only test of whether a decision is right or wrong is whether it could be applied to everyone. Would it be all right for everyone to do what you are doing? If not, your decision is wrong. It would be wrong, for example, to make a promise with the intention of breaking it because if everyone did that, no one would believe anyone's promises. In ethics, Kant tried to show that doing one's duty consisted in following only those principles that one would accept as applying equally to all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kant objects most of all to the principle that one's own happiness can be the ground of morality. He rejects this possibility because well-being is not always proportionate to virtuous behavior. By this I mean that one manÕs well being is not always universal to all. Most significantly, Kant renounces happiness as the principle of morality because it obliterates the specific difference between virtue and vices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Universality is the form of a moral law whereby all rational beings are subject to the same condition as the basis of morality. Kant argues that there can be principles for action that do not admit of exceptions, and that this occurs through practical reason. In other words, the possibility for morality does not hinge on the empirical world, but rather is a feature of the nature of the entity that is the ground for morality. Since all rational...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Theories of varied motivation in psychology

It is said that entire psychology is about the study of motivation itself. In fact the science of psychology evolved to explain, answer and reason the ‘why’ of human behavior. Motivation holds the answer to this ‘why’ because when we attempt to reason for a particular behavior or attitude then basically we are finding the motivations responsible for that particular behavior (Gorman, 2003, 1). People perform a variety of actions through multiple roles according to their dominant motivation that guides their behavior. In psychological studies the implicit motivations determining human behavior are not only considered from point of view of biological drives and neurological impetus but they are also explained by relational aspect of human behavior where motivation is a dynamic aspect of the behavior that helps people to interact with the world (Nuttin, 1984,1).   Many theorist attempt to offer generalized explanation for a majority of human actions purely in terms of natural instinct or sudden impulse. Even the people engaged in performing those actions may also agree to this viewpoint. However, the theory of instinct and impulse presents an incomplete rational because there are critical external factors and attractions that also contribute towards the particular motivation. Therefore human motivation is a dynamic product of combination of intrinsic human traits as well as their environmental setting. Another important factor that plays an important role in explaining motivational factors in behavior is human emotion (Gorman, 2003, 89). Human beings experience a number of emotional states that continue to fluctuate and they act as causative factors in a large number of actions undertaken by them. As a matter of fact, motivation is a product of a very complex process of internal and external interaction of human beings with themselves and their surrounding and it acts as stimulant and provide energy for their behaviors and consequent actions. Psychoanalytic Explanation of motives Motives interests psychologist because they provide insight into the character and approach of individuals, providing psychologists with test materials on which they can further form and expand their theories. The reasons of specific actions, such as why did a person steal, why did he commit a murder, why did he participate in a cause where he was not interested, or why did he contributed a majority of his wealth to charitable causes can perhaps be better understood if the motives behind them are sought. The implicit notion is that there are some actions which deviant to a person’s characteristics and those that are difficult be explained by any standard rule based system (Peters, 1958, 28). Psychologists, in their attempts to explore the motives, that is the set of specific reasons for deviant as well as normal actions have given considerable attention to the unconscious self of human beings of which they are themselves unaware. The unconscious self is composed of repressed feelings of deprivations, unfulfilled desires and infant sexuality and it subtly acts on every human being to set the framework of many of their actions (Peters, 1958, 55). This theory of unconscious mental process, as proposed by Freud, and the psychoanalytic explanations it offered, did not profess to explain the entire gamut of human behaviors, but it certainly provided a more panoramic view to cause and reasons of many human actions that were hitherto conventionally explained on mere visible evidences. According to the new wisdom, actions performed by people have a long and complicated background and though they may appear final or conclusive in their immediate bearing, they are part of a long chain of interconnected events. Therefore even the simple question that why did John walk across the road take vast proportion in psychology. As explained by Peters (4), the simple answer that John crosses the road to buy some tobacco is insufficient, even though John himself in unaware of any other motive. To a psychologist, in crossing the road to buy tobacco, John is conforming to many social and cultural stereotypes such as he is not running or crawling across the road to get the tobacco (ibid, 5). If John had run, then his goal of obtaining tobacco would had fallen incommensurate with his action that should had warranted more urgent justification. However as John walks across the road, it indicates that procuring tobacco is a kind of activity that should be accomplished in a normal behavioral conduct to make it appear as an appropriate social function. A psychologist might further argue that John has secret liking for tobacconist’s girl, and he goes to the particular shop to see that girl, though he may himself be not aware of this. Another explanation might be offered that John had an unconscious disliking of work from which he wanted to escape and the act of going to tobacconist was a way for him to stay away from the unpleasant work. Its important to see here that in neither of these explanations John himself is aware of any other reason other than buying tobacco, but each of the region, both of them or several others can be true to the case. The Biological Approach to Motives The biological or physiological aspects of motives are perhaps the earliest explanations that were offered to reason for motives behind human actions and behaviors. This approach views human as ‘drive-oriented’ animals who are more the product of biological factors of cellular and neurochemical reactions, acting through our genetic traits alone and spurred by release of hormones to various actions. This physiological analysis puts instinct as the primary reason behind every human action and its framework basic human instincts such as desire to eat, drink, sleep and have sex combine to form the further ramifications of human behavior (Gorman, 2003,14). In this model, drives for specific actions stimulate people and they respond accordingly in their behavior. It states that behavior of people is the result of homeostasis, that is, the tendency to maintain a stable internal environment of body. Body responds to any deprivation that threatens the stability of internal equilibrium and unleashes corresponding behavior to correct it (Weiner, 1980, 11). Thus homeostasis drive theory accounts for situations where a person may be compelled to steal food if he is hungry, or run if he is threatened, as maintaining the internal equilibrium is principle motive of any living organism. Behavioral approach to motives As Nuttin (1984, 16) states, understanding of motivational process is critically dependent on understanding of dynamic aspects of human behavior. In the field of psychology behavior refers to cognitive activities that an individual performs in the context of a behavioral world (ibid, 17). These activities can not be understood if they are treated separately, and therefore an integrated model of behavior interpretation is required that views that takes a complete and related view of all the processes in the living organism. According to the behavioral model, the various biochemical functions and basic drives are encompassed by behavior that gives these individual traits their full meaning and purpose (ibid, 18). As such hunger, thirst, sleep, sex drive, fear, ecstasy, loyalty etc are not isolated factors in determining motives. Instead they are integrated as part of the behavioral structure that creates a sense of organic continuity. Thus seeing changes to watching and hearing changes to listening in the behavioral model. Various theories and models in the field of social behavior have come with suggestion that human behavior reflects a person’s intent to act (Orbell, 2004, 145). According to each of these models it is possible to predict behavior from intentions and behavioral control displayed by a person. Behavioral characteristics can successfully account for specific types of motivations seen with various actions. For example, harvesting, hunting and fishing are quite different behaviors, yet they are done with the same objective of procuring food. Similarly, despite their different behavioral traits, people are essentially same every where, in the sense that they seek love, trust, social respect, and financial stability, thus acting through almost identical motivational drives. Within the behavioral system, a form of unity and cohesion is attempted out of multiple elements interacting together in a motivational setup (Nuttin, 1984, 84). Humanistic Approach to Motives The humanistic approach in describing different motives for human actions is a relatively new field. Its fundamental principles, as stated by Weiner(1980, 409) are 1. Humanistic psychology studies people in their real life circumstances, where humans are subjects of the study, rather than object. People are described in their own consciousness and perceptions and the reasons and motives of their actions are placed along with their individuality, in a holistic and complete framework. 2. Humanistic psychologists also believe that human choice, will, their desire to move ahead in life, to grow and realize their potentials contribute to their actions, behavior and approach to life. 3. The dominant characteristics of any individual is to achieve personal potential, and develop their capacities and talents to highest level. Thus the central motivation in an individual’s life is to grow, move ahead and develop his or her own self. Conclusion Human actions would continue to be defined, analyzed and interpreted from a number of points of view, according to various theories, models and approaches to understand its complexity and give complete meaning to its attributes, in order to evolve a wholesome picture of factors that motivates people towards a varied degree of actions. Motivations can be best understood from the dynamics of behavior and the integrated setup that provides basis for planning, thinking, action and achievements of goals to people. Further, people are motivated to different actions based on their own perception of needs and requirements as well acting through their subconscious self, which explains for the difference in their perceived reason of their certain steps from the actual reasons justifying it. Reference Gorman, P, 2003, Motivation and Emotion, Routledge, New York. Nuttin, J, 1984, Motivation, Planning, and Action: A Relational Theory of Behavior Dynamics, (trnsltr) Jean E. Dumas ,, Raymond P. Lorion , Leuven University Press; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Leuven, Belgium. Orbell, S, 2004, Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes: The Cardiff Symposium. (edit ) Geoffrey Haddock,   Gregory R. Maio, Psychology Press. Hove, England. Peters RS, 1985,The Concept of Motivation. Routledge & Kegan Paul :London Weiner, H, 1980, Human Motivation, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ   

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Physio Cardio Lab Report Answers Essay

1. Explain how the body establishes a pressure gradient for fluid flow. Pressure gradient is the flow rate of a liquid through a pipe. This is directly proportional to the difference between the pressures at the two ends of the pipe and inversely proportional to the pip’s resistance. The pressure gradient is directly dependent upon blood vessel radius which essentially controls blood flow. The bigger the blood vessel radius, the more blood flow or fluid flow. The smaller blood vessel radius, the lesson blood or fluid flow. 2. Explain the effect that the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Flow tube radius change has a direct effect on flow rate. As evidenced in this lab, when flow tube radius was increased, the flow rate was also increased. They are directly proportional. As evidenced from the text, when flow tube radius increases in a blood vessel, the flow rate is much more free flowing and flows a lot quicker as the radius is increased. When starting with 1.5mm of radius, the flow was very slow, yet when increased to 2mm, 3mm, and eventually to 5mm, the flow within the blood vessel incrementally increased. 3. Describe the effect that radius changes have on the laminar flow of a fluid. Laminar Flow is defined as the free-flowing blood in the middle of the vessel. Radius change is directly proportional on laminar flow. In a constricted vessel, proportionately more blood is in contact with the vessel wall and there is less laminar flow, significantly diminishing the rate of blood flow in the vessel, yet if the vessel is more dilated, or the radius is increased, more blood flow is able to get in, thus increasing the blood  flow. The bigger the radius, the more laminar flow of fluid. 4. Why do you think the plot was not linear? (Hint: look at the relationship of the variables in the equation). How well did the results compare with your prediction? If the variables are radius on the X-axis and flow rate on the Y-axis, the experiment called for the experimenter to incrementally increase the radius and plot the results. As we know, radius is directly proportional to flow rate in that as the radius increases so does the flow rate, therefore, the plotted graph has to be linear. If one increases, so does the other going in a straight line! Activity 2 Questions: 1. Describe the components in the blood that affect viscosity? The components in the blood that affect viscosity are the presences of plasma proteins and formed elements such as white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets. When these formed elements and plasma proteins in the blood slide past one another, there is an increase in the resistance to flow. 2. Explain the effect that the viscosity change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Viscosity is defined as the thickness or stickiness of a fluid. In regards to flow rate, they are inversely comparable and thus as you increase viscosity or the â€Å"thickness† of the blood, the flow rate decreases. As seen in the graph, increasing the viscosity inversely decreases the flow rate each time you increased it by 1. 3. Describe the graph of flow versus viscosity. As evidenced in the graph, the constants in this experiment were radius,  length, and pressure. The variables were flow rate and viscosity. The y axis represented flow rate and the x axis represented viscosity. As viscosity increased, the flow rate decreased causing a linear or inverse curve relationship going down. 4. Discuss the effect that polycythemia would have on viscosity and on blood flow. Polycythemia is a condition in which excess red blood cells are present. We learned earlier that an increase in red blood cells results in an increase in blood viscosity. An increase in blood viscosity directly affects blood flow, in that blood flow would decrease. Thus, the presence of polycythemia would inversely affect blood flow rate by decreasing it. Activity 3 Questions: 1. Which is more likely to occur, a change in blood vessel radius or a change in blood vessel length? A change in blood vessel radius is more like to occur because blood vessel length only increases as we grow into maturity and in adulthood blood vessel lengths stay constant. The only possibility of blood vessel length changing is when we gain or lose weight. Through the process of vasodilation, or the smoothing of the blood vessel muscle, you can change the radius of the vessel more frequently. 2. Explain the effect that the change in blood vessel length had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction? Blood vessel length, when increased causes more friction or resistance thus making it more difficult for blood to flow through the vessel. In summation, increasing blood vessel length inversely effects flow rate but decreasing flow rate. My prediction was that an increase in blood vessel length would inversely effect blood flow. As evidenced in this experiment, with the increase of the blood vessel length, there was a decrease in blood flow. 3. Explain why you think blood vessel radius can have a larger effect on the body that changes in blood vessel length. In the blood flow equation (as seen to the right), blood flow is directly proportional to the fourth power of vessel radius. Dramatic changes happen in regards to blood flow because of small changes in blood vessel radius. The smaller the blood vessel radius, the greater the resistance. Blood vessel radius is the single most important factor in determining blood flow resistance. 4. Describe the effect that obesity would have on blood flow and why. As referenced from this experiment, weight, either gain or loss effects blood vessel length. A change in blood vessel length can only be altered through the gain or loss of weight. As evidenced in this experiment, when blood vessel length is increased as a result of weight gain, there is greater resistance or friction within the vessel making blood flow through that vessel more difficult thus decreasing blood flow. Obesity different effect blood flow in that, there are increased blood vessel lengths, causing greater friction or resistance within the vessel and a decrease in blood flow. Activity 4 Questions: 1. Explain the effect that pressure changes had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction. Pressure changes have a profound effect on flow rate. As pressure increases, flow rate also increases. They are directly proportional. In regards to my prediction, I predicted that as pressure increased, so would flow rate. 2. How does the plot differ from the plots for tube radius, viscosity, and tube length? How well did the results compare with your prediction. The plot for pressure in linear in that, an increase in pressure is directly proportional to flow rate. It was a perfectly straight line upwards as pressure increased. In regards to the plot for tube radius, it was very similar in that results were more curve shaped but went in the same directly upward. As vessel radius increased so did flow rate. In regards to viscosity, they were drastically different, as viscosity increased, the rate of flow decreased because there was more resistance. In regards to tube length, this is drastically different than pressure because with an increase in tube length, there is a decrease in rate of flow because there is more resistance within the vessel itself. After learning that vessel radius is the greatest factor in regards to flow rate, I predicted that with an increase in pressure there would also be an increase in flow rate. 3. Explain why pressure changes are not the best way to control blood flow. Pressure changes are not the best way to control blood flow because it could place more stress on the heart (which causes the initial pressure) and requires the heart to change its force of contraction. The blood vessels need time to respond to that change in force as well as the large arteries around the heart. It required for them to have more tissue in their tunics to accommodate the heart and it’s increase of force. Plus, the best way to control blood flow, as seen from these experiments is through increasing vessel radius. 4. Use you data to calculate the increase in flow rate in ml/min/mm Hg. In this experiment, radius, viscosity, and length remained constant, and pressure and flow rate were the variables. I started off with a pressure of 25 mm Hg and the flow rate was 35mm/min. As I increase the pressure by 25 mm Hg each time, the flow rate increased by about 35 mm/min each time. Activity 5 Questions: 1. Explain the effect of increasing the right flow tube radius on the flow rate, resistance, and pump rate. Increasing the right flow tube radius is directly proportional to increasing flow rate. As evidenced in other experiments, increasing tube radius decreases resistance thus increasing flow rate. In addition, as the right flow tube radius increased, so did the pump rate. Each time that I increased the right flow tube radius by .5mm, the pump rate increased as did the flow rate because of the decrease in resistance. 2. Describe what the left and right beakers in the experiment correspond to in the human heart. The left beaker represents the side of the heart where blood is pumped through the lungs to the opposite side of the heart. The right beaker represents the side of the heart that delivers blood to the system of the body. 3. Briefly describe how the human heart could compensate for flow rate changes to maintain blood pressure. The human heart compensates for flow rate changes by altering heart rate, stroke volume or resistance. If resistance decreases, heart rate can increase to maintain the pressure difference. If resistance is decreasing, there is an increase in flow rate. Activity 6 Questions: 1. Describe the Frank-Starling law in the heart. The Frank-Starling law in the heart refers to when more than the normal volume of blood is returned to the heart by the venous system. In this process, the heart is stretched which results in a more forceful contraction of the ventricles. This causes more than normal amounts of blood to be ejected by the heart which raises stroke volume. 2. Explain what happened to the pump rate when you increased the stroke volume. Why do you think this occurred? How well did the results compare with your prediction? When you increase the stroke volume, there is an inverse decrease in pump rate, even though there is a constant amount of flow that results. This is directly the opposite of my predictions, yet I learned that the reason why pump rate decreases when stroke volume increases is because the heart intrinsically alters stroke volume to accommodate changes in preload or during the period where the ventricles are stretched by the end diastolic volume. Stroke volume is also controlled by the strength and force of contractility of the heart. 3. Describe how the heart alters stroke volume? The heart alters stroke volume by altering the pump volume or the contractility. By altering the contractility, you are altering the strength of the cardiac muscle contraction and its ability to generate force. 4. Describe the intrinsic factors that control stroke volume. The intrinsic factors that control stroke volume are heart rate and cardiac output. Total blood flow is proportional to cardiac output. Thus, when the stroke volume decreases, the heart rate music increase to maintain cardiac output. Yet, when stroke volume increases, the heart rate must decrease to maintain cardiac output. Activity 7 Questions: 1. Explain how the heart could compensate for changes in peripheral resistance. The heart can compensate for changes in peripheral resistance by decreasing blood viscosity and through adjusting the force of contraction of the heart. Increasing contractility or forcing contraction of the heart combats afterload and blood flow resistance. Increasing contractility will increase cardiac output by increasing stroke volume. 2. Which mechanism had the greatest compensatory effect? How well did the results compare with your prediction? My prediction was that increasing the left flow tube radius would have the greatest impact in regards to blood flow into the right tube, but adjusting the force of contraction of the heart had the greatest compensatory effect on the flow of blood into the right beaker. 3. Explain what happened when the pump pressure and the beaker pressure were the same. How well did the results compare with your prediction? When the pump pressure and the beaker pressure were the same, the valve would not open because there was insufficient driving pressure to force fluid out of the pump. This was adverse to my prediction, where I predicted that there would be an increase of flow, but I was incorrect, in that nothing happened and there was no flow. 4. Explain whether it would be better to adjust heart rate or blood vessel diameter to achieve blood flow changes at a local level. I think that it would be better to adjust heart rate in order to achieve blood flow changes at a local level. Although the text and experiments have demonstrated that it is more effective to increase blood vessel diameter in order to increase the rate of flow within blood vessels, I think that exercise increases your heart rate which is directly linked to an increase in blood flow.